
Hit me with that rhythm stick, now hit me...


Pooleside said...

Now available for weddings and bar mitzvahs.

Alebert said...

Good thing I didn't follow through with my idea of Celtic cross in the space of the back triangle,.. Might have cut down on the Bar Mitzvah bookings.

How does it sound?

Alebert said...

Very Nice by the way..

Liv Pooleside said...

The sound of it is indescribable.

What I think is that we need a procession at the unveiling of this thing. The procession should be led by a piper, playing a suitable air.

Following the piper will be our own Suicide Dave, wearing the appropriate white robe (or white t-shirt).

Behind Dave, the pole shall be borne by a virgin, or someone suitable virginal-looking. Or at least, someone who was once a virgin. Following her will be the rest of us accolates.

Upon mounting the stage, Dave shall proclaim something or other. The pole shall be handed off to one of us humble minions for safe-keeping while the virgin is given an embroidery frame holding the nearly completed symbol of an Irish Rose. As she passes the needle through the cloth to finish this embroidery, she must prick her finger, drawing blood.

I know, there may be concerns about sanitation at this point. The needle shall be sterilized by keeping it the night beforehand in a shot of whiskey. Dave shall determine the fate of the shot after it has served this purpose.

Upon the successful completion of her sewing, and pricking, the virgin shall give the pole a good shaking. At this time Dave will announce the name of the thing, and let the music begin!