
Well, that so-called jingle-stick had its debute last night.  Check the Steam Powered homepage for an example of the thing being played- it sounds real good!

Of course it helps that Bev is one of the top 5 jingle-stickers in the country.

If anyone has photos from this event, please send them my way!

1 comment:

Kurt Brackin said...

Back in the early '70s my Dad and I were up at Pocono Raceway and we stopped at a bar for some refreshment. There were gizmos similar to this hanging on the wall. Theirs also had a tambourine and a ball strung from a wire or cord that attached to the top and bottom. This ball would hit the tambourine when the floor was struck. Their name for these instruments was a boom-bah. Every time a polka would come on the jukebox they would grab their boom-bahs and play along. I've never seen anything quite like it.