
April first.  A day for fools.

I like the firsts of the months because I can see precisely what songs and pages people are accessing on the old website.  Maybe there's some way I could have snapshots like this during the month, without resetting the tabulation, but I don't know how to do that.

Anyway, in the first few hours of the month I get to see that someone has downloaded Toro's Watered Down, (the .ogg version!) and my Driving Rain and that people are sampling many samples from the public catalogue. 
The majority of the visitors are from Russia right now, with China and the US about tied for second place.  The Ukraine leads by a wide margin on bandwidth.

Mr. Paul Thomas' song is getting a lot of hits.  Because it's on the main page, and will be available in the archives, I predict that it will get a lot of downloads from Russia and the Ukraine.  Maybe he will inspire someone over there to take up the pedal steel guitar?


Elizabeth said...

This actually has nothing to do with your blog (sorry), but I noticed something you posted on another blog and didn't see a place to comment. I'm referring to ...

All the girls in France
Wear tissue-paper pants
When they climb up a pole
You can see their heiny-hole"

Heard this in Conestoga, PA, around 1959. May also be "toilet-paper pants" for that extra measure of naughtyness.

I'm going to have to guess this little ditty is a Lancaster County thing because just last night someone at my table at a diner was humming the song, and I blurted out the words. Everyone at the table thought I was nuts. I was shocked and a bit amazed they never heard those words. They all are at least 10 years younger than I so I thought it was an age thing until I tried to search it on the internet this morning and found only your comment and one or two others...

I grew up in the '60s in Lancaster County and heard it this way...

All the girls in France
Wear peanut butter (or polka dotted -- which makes even less sense than peanut butter) pants
When they climb up poles
You can see their heiny-holes

Pooleside said...

Oh that is funny!

Peanut butter pants? I guess that in the morning you spread them on with a butter knife?

(just in case some of you don't know what we're talking about, there's a website for those naughty songs you learned as a kid. Actual professors study this stuff, you know!)

Liz- yeah, I thought that everybody knew about these things too. Here's one I was looking into this morning- Are you a turtle?

Kurt said...

You bet your sweet ass I am.