
Wow.  The Steam Powered Studio website just clocked a big jump in visits.  I mean like 300%.

If you're here for the first time, won't you leave a comment and let me know what brought you?  Thanks!


Today is Diva day at Rosa Rosa.  I'll be recording the live show starting this afternoon around 3:00.

Stop on by and help the cause!


Dr. Doug stopped over on Tuesday and we recorded basic tracks for a new song.


The Morning Zeitgeist- Or In and Around the Web.

That's funny.  I don't think anyone has used the word zeitgeist since Bush II became president- it was just too depressing to think about.

I was listening to the beeb this morning while exorcising.  A good 20 minute program comparing soap operas to Greek tragedy.  Or at least, asking if there was a reason to compare the two.  Too bad I can't understand half of what they say...

But it beats the All Tiger, All the Time news.  Anyhow, this led into a link on my ipod to some "underground" art movement out in Cali, which led to a link to a particular image I've been trying to find off and on for years (Appetite for Destruction), which led me to remember a more comfortable image that used to appear every morning on local TV.

This was a card, a drawing of a rooster to the left, a sunrise to the right, and maybe a cup of coffee (or a barn?) in the middle.  This may have been captioned "Community Bulletin Board" or may have not.  It seems to me that it was some sort of thing where an announcer would read off events of the coming day.  Or maybe not.

What I do remember is that this music would play.  It's well-known but I can't find out what it is at the moment.  It had a tick-tock sound behind it, and a simple rising melody that resolved after 4 measures.  Then it would repeat.  As a child I would watch this motionless image of the rooster and the sunrise and listen to the music over and over (for a while.  Not sure how long it lasted, but I was probably there with it the whole time)

Is it any wonder that I am now drawn to Appetite for Destruction?


How did they get that nice distorted sound in the fade-in at the end of Long, Long, Long by the Beatles?

It seems that there was an empty wine bottle on the Leslie speaker cabinet that started vibrating on a particular low note.


April first.  A day for fools.

I like the firsts of the months because I can see precisely what songs and pages people are accessing on the old website.  Maybe there's some way I could have snapshots like this during the month, without resetting the tabulation, but I don't know how to do that.

Anyway, in the first few hours of the month I get to see that someone has downloaded Toro's Watered Down, (the .ogg version!) and my Driving Rain and that people are sampling many samples from the public catalogue. 
The majority of the visitors are from Russia right now, with China and the US about tied for second place.  The Ukraine leads by a wide margin on bandwidth.

Mr. Paul Thomas' song is getting a lot of hits.  Because it's on the main page, and will be available in the archives, I predict that it will get a lot of downloads from Russia and the Ukraine.  Maybe he will inspire someone over there to take up the pedal steel guitar?